About Penny Freeman
Author, Editor, Wordsmith

Penny Freeman’s love of literature and story-telling began at an early age. Her need for order, and passion for puzzles were answered in the refinements of grammar and the nuances of the written word. Both were put to the test in her career as a medical transcriptionist where a transposition of homonyms or a dropped vowel could quite literally have life or death consequences. However, her heart simply was not in health care.
The introduction of the Internet brought the world to Penny’s doorstep, and she wasted no time in learning to utilize this powerful new tool to pursue her true passion of writing. After seventeen years as a medical transcriptionist, Penny left the field and began putting her own words into print. Since that time, she has had extensive experience in web design, Internet and SEO copywriting, social media marketing, public affairs, is a published journalist, and has written millions of unusable words on her quest for the perfect novel. In 2012, Penny accepted the position as editor-in-chief of Xchyler Publishing.
Less than a year later, she and her business partner assumed control and ownership of the company. Since that time, she has overseen the production of more than thirty works, personally guided fourteen projects through the editorial process as content editor, and worked with no fewer than fifty individual authors. She has published three short stories under the pseudonym of Neve Talbot. Shadow of the Last Men by J. M. Salyards won the 2014 Cygnus award for science fiction, while Vivatera by Candace J. Thomas won the 2013 Diamond Award from the League of Utah Writers. In 2015, The Accidental Apprentice by Anika Arrington was a Whitney award finalist for high fantasy.
As an editor, Penny strives to guide her authors to engaging, intelligent, and original prose in a broad range of subjects. However, there are subjects she will not broach. You can find the issue expounded upon here, but if your themes focus on the following, we are not a good fit:
- erotica
- demonology
- Satanism
- excessive horror
- gratuitous violence
- promotion of child or substance abuse, illegal activities, or self-harm
Penny lives in what once were the piney woods of southeast Texas but is now concrete and asphalt suburbia, with her husband of thirty-six years. She has three sons, all of whom have kept their families within the “golden triangle,” and eight grandchildren. When Penny isn’t editing, reading, writing, designing websites, coaching authors in sales, or creating book covers and marketing materials, she spends time with her grandchildren and is an assistant den leader in the Cub Scouts.
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